Grand River Animation
Animated Title Sequence Video
Project: Grand River Animation
Client: Regional Tourism Organization 4 (RTO4)
Location: Kitchener Waterloo, Ontario
Video Production Style: 2D Animated Video
Project Overview:
This animated video production was created for Regional Tourism Organization 4 (RTO4). The animation was used as a title sequence for a live action video and was also used as a stand alone piece on social media.
We were given the task to create an animation that would highlight the new access points that are being constructed along the Grand River. In this video, the new Wilson’s Flats access point is featured and is also the starting point of the video. After Wilson’s Flats, the animation moves down the river to Waterloo, Kitchener, and further on to Cambridge.
This animation was created in 2D space, and features assets that move towards the viewer to suggest to the viewer that the animation is moving down stream. The animation was well received by the client who was looking for an interesting video style.
Are you looking for an animated video production like this? Please contact us today by clicking here!